Terms of use

Platform Privacy Policy

Introduction and scope

This privacy policy (hereinafter “Policy”) applies to all products, software and the platform (hereinafter together the “Platform”) offered, owned and made available by:

“TEO-Training BV”
Luchthavenlei 7c2100 Antwerpen
Ondernemingsnummer: 0697.679.725
Hereinafter referred to as “TEO”, “we” or “us”.

TEO considers the protection of (your) privacy of the utmost importance and wishes to enable you – as user of its Platform – to maintain full control over what happens to your Personal Data and your privacy and to inform and respect you accordingly.

All capitalized terms not defined in this Policy shall have the meaning as defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the Processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR“).

Your Personal Data and your privacy are protected by TEO in accordance with Belgian and European regulations on data protection, including the GDPR and national implementing legislation. Please read this Policy very carefully. It describes not only your rights, but also the way in which you can exercise those rights.

By using the Platform, sharing your Personal Data and agreeing to this Policy, you expressly consent to the manner in which TEO collects and processes your Personal Data as described in this Policy.

Who processes your Personal Data and how to contact us?

In the context of the Platform, TEO acts, in principle, as a data processor in accordance with the data processing agreement TEO has concluded with its client in this regard. Only in certain exceptional situations TEO will act as a data controller.

TEO has appointed a person responsible for data protection, whom you can contact for questions about your privacy and the processing of your Personal Data. This person can be contacted using the details below:

Contact detailsinfo@teo.training

What Personal Data do we collect and process?

TEO processes different types of Personal Data; this depends on the functionalities you use on our Platform. It is possible that (among other things) the following Personal Data will be processed by TEO when you use the Platform:

Contact detailsname, address, e-mail address, telephone number
Profession and educationemployer, name of the company, experience, expertise, education
TEO trainingsgender, age, languages, driver’s license, diplomas, competences
Personal informationname, address, e-mail address, telephone number
Technical informationbrowser language, browser type
Cookiesinformation about session user, Google Analytics, share blog via Facebook (for more information we refer to our Cookie policy)

When Personal Data of a third party is disclosed through the Platform or for the purpose of using the Platform, the person disclosing the Personal Data guarantees that he or she has informed such third party and, where appropriate, has received all necessary consents to share the Personal Data of such third party through the Platform.

For which purpose do we process your Personal Data, on which legal basis and for how long?

The purpose, legal basis and retention period of the processing of your Personal Data depends on the capacity in which you use our Platform and on the category of Personal Data concerned.

a) When you use the Platform as an employee of a company or as a jobseeker on the recommendation of an employment agency

In this event, TEO acts as a processor, processing your Personal Data only on the instruction and for the purposes determined by the company/employment agency who is acting as a controller. Below you will find an overview of the purposes, legal grounds and retention periods of this processing activity:

PurposeCategory of Personal DataLegal groundRetention period
Registration of users
  • Contact details
  • Profession and education
Performance of a contractData will be deleted or anonymized upon termination of the agreement with the company/employment agency
Following your training progress
  • Contact details
  • TEO trainings
Performance of a contractData will be deleted or anonymized upon termination of the agreement with the company/employment agency
Improvement of the functioning of our Platform (i.e. the offering of jobs and training programs)
  • Profession and education
Legitimate interestData will be deleted or anonymized upon termination of the agreement with the company/employment agency
Statistical purposes and improving your user experience
  • Technical information
  • Cookies
Consent or legitimate interestData will be deleted or anonymized upon termination of the agreement with the company/employment agency

b) When you use the Platform as an independent user

In this event, TEO acts as a controller. Below you will find an overview of the purposes, legal grounds and retention periods of this processing activity:

PurposeCategory of Personal DataLegal groundRetention period
Registration of users
  • Contact details
  • Profession and education
Performance of a contractData will be deleted or anonymized five (5) years after the last Platform usage
Following your training progress
  • Contact details
  • TEO trainings
Performance of a contractData will be deleted or anonymized five (5) years after the last Platform usage
Matching profiles to vacancies or training programs (of third parties)
  • Contact details
  • Profession and education
  • TEO trainings
  • Personal information
Performance of a contract or legitimate interestData will be deleted or anonymized five (5) years after the last Platform usage
Improvement of the functioning of our Platform (i.e. the offering of jobs and training programs)
  • Profession and education
Legitimate interestData will be deleted or anonymized five (5) years after the last Platform usage
Statistical purposes and improving your user experience
  • Technical information
  • Cookies
Consent or legitimate interestData will be deleted or anonymized five (5) years after the last Platform usage

Our Platform uses cookies and similar technologies. For more information, we refer to our Cookie Policy.

TEO can only process your Personal Data if it relies on an appropriate legal ground. Below you will find an overview of the possible legal grounds we rely on for our Personal Data processing:

  • For the first and second purposes, the applicable legal ground is the performance of a contract.

    Under this legal ground, we process your Personal Data when this is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you – as a user – are a party. This can be a contract you have entered into with a client of TEO (whereby TEO acts as a processor) or with TEO itself (whereby TEO acts as a controller).

  • For certain purposes, processing is based on the legitimate interests of TEO.

    Given the nature of the Personal Data requested, the processing of these categories of Personal Data does not adversely affect your fundamental rights and/or freedoms. You can always object to a processing activity based on this legal ground by contacting our person responsible for data protection.

  • For certain purposes, we ask your consent.

    The consent you give is always free and you have the right to withdraw it at any time. Your withdrawal of consent does not affect (i) the processing of Personal Data prior to such withdrawal; or (ii) our processing activities which are based on any other legitimate legal ground.

The aforementioned reasons and legal grounds may not be exhaustive and TEO may at any time process your Personal Data for any other legitimate reason. In such event, TEO will notify you as soon as possible of that reason and/or legal ground. Updates of this Policy may constitute such a notice.

Receiving and disclosing Personal Data

TEO receives your Personal Data when you, as participant to a training course, as agent of a TEO client, or as instructor/consultant mandated by a client of TEO or TEO itself:

  • use the Platform;
  • visit the Platform;
  • complete your profile on the Platform;
  • etc.

TEO will always share your Personal Data in a minimal way. However, in order for the Platform to function properly, it is sometimes necessary for TEO to share your Personal Data with third parties.

Processors and sub-processors of TEO always act under the responsibility of TEO. If TEO engages processors or sub-processors, this will always be done in accordance with a data processing agreement that meets the requirements of the GDPR and protects your Personal Data to the greatest extent possible.

TEO may also share your Personal Data with third parties for the purposes of storing and processing your Personal Data, responding to your requests, sending you information, hosting the Platform, and optimizing its Platform.

Your Personal Data may be shared or transferred to the following entities:

a) When you use the Platform as an employee of a company or as a jobseeker on the recommendation of an employment agency

EntityCapacity of the entityJustification
Clients of TEO (companies or employment agencies)ControllerTEO may transfer certain Personal Data of Platform users (e.g. which trainings were attended, results of assessments, etc.) to its clients at whose instructions said Personal Data was processed
AmazonSub-processorHosting of the Platform
IT consultantsSub-processorIT consultancy

b) When you use the Platform as an independent user

EntityCapacity of the entityJustification
Clients of TEO (companies or employment agencies)ControllerTEO may transfer certain Personal Data of Platform users to its clients
AmazonSub-processorHosting of the Platform
IT consultantsSub-processorIT consultancy

This list may evolve and shall be updated from time to time.

If you were to be directed through our Platform to another website, platform or application, different terms, privacy and cookie policies may apply. We encourage you to read the relevant terms, privacy and cookie policies of these third parties before you accept their cookies and visit their website, platform or application to ensure yourself that your Personal Data is sufficiently protected.

Transfer of Personal Data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

In principle, TEO does not transfer your Personal Data to third countries located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It is, however, possible that TEO - through its processors or sub-processors - does transfer your Personal Data to countries outside the EEA. In this event, TEO shall only transfer your Personal Data outside the EEA in accordance with applicable law (such as chapter V of the GDPR) (for instance by using or relying on model contract clauses, binding corporate rules, codes of conduct, adequacy decisions, etc.).

Profiling based on Personal Data

TEO may use your Personal Data for profiling purposes, this means that your Personal Data may be automatically processed by TEO based on the Personal Data you provide. Below you will find an overview of the purpose, underlying reasons and expected consequences of the profiling executed by TEO.

PurposeAnalysis of feedback and matching competences to vacancies and training programs.
Category of Personal DataPersonal Data entered into or otherwise submitted to the Platform, to the extent it is in line with your consent preferences.
Interest and expected consequences

This information is important since it provides context to the feedback provided.

Profiling executed by TEO does not have any legal consequences, nor does it have similar significant effects or consequences for you.

How are your Personal Data protected and secured?

TEO has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures and safeguards to process your Personal Data in accordance with the Belgian and European legislation, in particular, without limitation, to protect your Personal Data against loss, misuse, or unauthorized alteration or destruction. TEO maintains a team of technicians and automated systems in order to protect your Personal Data.

TEO makes all reasonable and appropriate efforts to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Data.

Despite the above measures taken by TEO, you should be aware that there are always risks associated with sending Personal Data over the internet. The security and protection of your Personal Data can never be fully guaranteed.

What are your rights?

If and in as far as provided for in the applicable Belgian and European legislation, you have the right:

a) to receive confirmation as to whether we process your Personal Data and, where this is the case, to access such Personal Data,

b) to have any inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data corrected without undue delay,

c) to have your Personal Data deleted by TEO,

d) to obtain your Personal Data and to transfer them to another controller or processor,

e) to obtain a limitation of the processing of your Personal Data, to the extent possible,

f) to receive your Personal Data in a structured, common and machine-readable format, and

g) to prevent the processing of your Personal Data and the use of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.

You can exercise these rights by contacting our person responsible for data protection and providing him/her with a copy of your identity card (your national registry number should not be visible).

If and to the extent provided for in the applicable Belgian and European legislation, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority should the processing of your Personal Data violate the applicable legislation. In Belgium the competent authority is the Data Protection Authority (“Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit”/“Autorité de protection de données”):

Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 (0)2 274 48 00

Changes to this Policy

TEO may amend this Policy at all times. Any changes we may make to our Policy will be indicated on the Platform so that you are always aware of what Personal Data TEO collects, how TEO uses it and how TEO shares it. The date of the most recent version is indicated at the bottom of this Policy. Please review TEO’s Policy periodically to stay informed of changes that may affect you.

Amended versions of this Policy take effect ten (10) days after their publication on the Platform and, if necessary, will always be submitted for approval.

Consent for disclosure

You acknowledge, confirm and expressly authorize TEO to disclose your Personal Data if this is required by law, or if TEO determines in good faith that such disclosure is required in order:

a) to comply with any pending judicial inquiry, judicial order or litigation pertaining to the Platform;

b) to respond to claims against TEO regarding Personal Data that violate any rights of third parties;

c) to safeguard the rights, property and safety of TEO, its employees, users, and the general public.

In addition, TEO may disclose your Personal Data to a law enforcement agency or regulatory or governmental authority if TEO deems this useful or necessary, in its sole discretion, for the investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringement or any other harmful activity, or if TEO reasonably suspects that such activity may expose TEO or you to any liability.


If TEO has legitimately transmitted your Personal Data to a third party (not being its processor or sub-processor), TEO shall not be liable for any unlawful processing or unlawful use by that third party.

Under no circumstances does TEO accept responsibility for any direct or indirect damages resulting from faulty or unlawful use of the Personal Data by a third party (not being its processor or sub-processor).

Additionally, TEO is not liable if third parties unlawfully process or use your Personal Data and TEO has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent such unlawful processing or use.

TEO is in any case only liable for the damage caused by the processing of Personal Data if it did not comply with its specific obligations under the GDPR. TEO shall in no event be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential losses or damages.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Policy shall be governed, interpreted, and implemented in accordance with Belgian laws, which shall apply exclusively in the event of any dispute.

The Antwerp courts (division Antwerp) are exclusively competent to decide on any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or implementation of this Policy, without prejudice to the consumer’s right to present a dispute before a competent court on the basis of a mandatory statutory provision.

Last updated: 01/07/2022

Platform Cookie Policy

Introduction and scope

This Cookie Policy (hereinafter “Cookie Policy”) serves to inform you of the cookies that are used on the platform (hereinafter the “Platform”) which is owned and operated by TEO-Teaching BV, with registered office at Luchthavenlei 7c, 2100 Antwerp and registered with the Crossroad Bank for Enterprises under company number 0697.679.725 (“TEO”, “we”, or “us”), so that you can easily manage your cookie-settings.

This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy.

What are cookies and why do we use them?

Cookies are small pieces of information in the form of text files, created by a program on the server of the Platform, which are stored on the hard drive of your computer via your browser when visiting the Platform.

The Platform uses cookies in order to identify you as a user of the Platform, to remember your preferred language and to facilitate your navigation on the Platform. By using cookies you do not need to identify yourself repeatedly, for example, for personalized services (such as filling in your username or password or selecting a language, etc.).

What are Facebook pixels and why do we use them?

Besides cookies, we are also using Facebook pixels on our Platform.

Facebook pixels are pieces of software code used on a website or platform to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and to gain insight into how visitors are using the website or platform. The pixel code is placed in the header of the website or platform. If someone visits the website or platform and performs an action on the website or platform, then the Facebook pixel is activated and it will report this action to the website or platform owner. This way, the website or platform owner is able to verify which website visitor is taking specific actions and is able to contact this person again at a later stage via Facebook advertisements, tailored to his/her fields of interest (also called “remarketing”). We are occasionally using pixel data to analyze visitor numbers and clicks on vacancies and training programs. More information on the use of Facebook pixels can be found in Facebook’s privacy policy. We also recommend regularly verifying and updating your Facebook privacy settings and to set your preferences with the means offered to you by Facebook.

What cookies does TEO use?

a) Types of cookies on the Platform

The following categories of cookies are placed when visiting our Platform:

Session cookies are temporary files. Session storage is retained during your browsing session and is deleted once your browser is closed.

Persistent cookies remain on a user’s computer for a certain period of time (the duration depends on the type of the persistent cookie).

Analytical cookies compile statistics on certain information (e.g. popularity, number of visitors, etc.).

Tracking cookies track your browsing behavior and track Platform visitors in order to respond to their browsing behavior (e.g. by providing personalized marketing campaigns).

b) Specific cookies on the Platform

Please find below a list of the specific cookies that TEO uses on its Platform:

Session Storage
Information collected by the cookie
  • ID
  • Function
  • Organization
PurposeSession storage is collected to ensure the proper functioning of the Platform.
Retention period of the cookiesSession storage is deleted once the browsing session ends.
Issuer of the cookie (first vs. third party)First party – TEO
Analytical Cookies
NameGoogle Analytics
Information collected by the cookie
  • Visited pages
  • Frequency
  • etc.
PurposeThese cookies are collected to compile statistics on the usage of the Platform.
Retention period of the cookies26 months
Issuer of the cookie (first vs. third party)Third Party – Google Analytics
Tracking Cookies
NameCookie consent status
Information collected by the cookie
  • Consent of the user
PurposeThese cookies are collected to preserve given consents.
Retention period of the cookies1 year
Issuer of the cookie (first vs. third party)First party – TEO

We are required to place session cookies. You cannot choose whether or not we place these cookies since they are mandatory to ensure the proper functioning of the Platform.

For analytical and tracking cookies we require your prior consent. You can give your consent by clicking on the relevant button in the cookie banner. You can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting the cookies stored in your browser. More information on how to do this can be found in section 5 below.

Management of cookies

You can mange the use of cookies yourself. For example, you can choose to block all cookies or only accept cookies from certain websites. In doing so, please keep in mind that certain features on the Platform will only be accessible if you have accepted the relevant cookies. Accepting cookies makes browsing the internet much easier and ensures that the platforms and websites you visit perform better. The use of cookies is generally accepted by internet users.

You can set your browser settings in such a way that you get a notification every time you receive a cookie, or you can prevent cookies from being created or stored on the hard drive of your computer. TEO cannot guarantee access to and operation of the Platform if you have disabled the creation of cookies by your internet browser.

Information regarding how to manage and delete cookies via the settings of your browser is accessible on the following websites:

Changes to this Cookie Policy

From time to time, we may need to change this Cookie Policy, for example in order to update it as a result of the use of new functionalities on our Platform. Any changes we may make to our Cookie Policy will be indicated on the Platform and, when proportionate and in line with the significance of the changes, may be notified to you by e-mail or advised to you on your next log-in to the Platform. The date of the most recent version is shown in the top right-hand corner of the cookie policy. When we publish changes to this Cookie Policy, we change the date of the `last update` at the bottom of the document. The most recent version of this Cookie Policy will be available on our Platform at all times. Please review TEO’s Cookie Policy periodically to stay informed of changes that may affect you.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Cookie Policy shall be governed, interpreted, and implemented in accordance with Belgian laws.

The Antwerp courts (division Antwerp) are exclusively competent to decide on any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or implementation of this Cookie Policy, without prejudice to the consumer’s right to present a dispute before a competent court on the basis of a mandatory statutory provision.


If you have any questions or concerns about this Cookie Policy, you can always contact us by sending an e-mail to info@teo.training

Last updated: 01/07/2022


Teo gebruikt cookies 🍪

Door op "Accepteren" te klikken, geef je toestemming voor het gebruik van cookies. Meer informatie vind je in onsCookiebeleid.